Our goal is to contribute to the continuous growth of professional and personal excellence through education. Humanism and values-based training play a key role in our teaching model.


The Graduate School and Lifelong Learning is a university community of professionals committed to the transformation of society, business, culture and science, based on innovation and a comprehensive, cutting-edge education with a sense of excellence that promotes respect for the dignity and freedom of the individual and the contribution to the common good.


We aspire to establish ourselves as a leading school in the training of professionals with a vocation for transformation and the building of a fairer society.



We seek to contribute to the professional development of all students by reviewing, developing and researching anthropological issues that support their contribution to the social and business environment.

Integral Formation

We promote the excellence of our students (personal and professional) by promoting a complete, balanced and full learning that addresses the different dimensions of the person as an agent of change.

Personal and community accompaniment

We work to create an environment in which students are members of a university community that guides their present and professional future while they are being educated.

Enjoy our facilities

We have spaces prepared for all types of degrees so that the training provided is complete and complements the student’s skills.

UFV Campus

Discover the best facilities to study the course of your choice.


Discover the best facilities to study the course of your choice.

Why study at the UFV Graduate School?

Our goal is to contribute to the continuous growth of personal and professional excellence of its students.

We focus on an education based on ethical and deontological values, helping students to develop their desire to be better professionals and better people.

We have a high level faculty in all academic contents, offering at all times a practical and experiential training of the professional reality.

Our method of carrying out real case studies allows your students to be clear about the values that permeate their profession and the meaning of the work they are going to perform.

Our content focused on the analysis of daily practice encourages the search for solutions through debate and the creation of spaces in which to share trends, research and best practices.

The team

Félix Suárez Martínez
Ana Sánchez Martínez
Academic Director
Eliana García Cortez
Director of Promotion and Communication

The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria has been evaluated by QS Stars* with 4 stars out of a maximum of 5, which endorses the academic excellence and quality of education at the university.

*QS Stars is an international rating system within the education sector.


The Internal Quality Assurance System of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) is an organized set of activities and organizational resources whose purpose is to respond to various needs:

Facilitate the monitoring of the deployment of the UFV Mission through its Quality Policy.
To provide information of interest to all groups related to securities.
*Specifically, the IQAS generates information on the results obtained in relation to the commitments made.
To encourage the responsible bodies to improve the teaching-learning processes and the resources allocated to them.
Comply with the objectives and purpose of quality systems within the framework of the European Higher Education Area*.
*This is in accordance with the document Criteria and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), approved by the Conference of Ministers in May 2015.

UFV is one of the first universities, among 19 public and private universities in the Community of Madrid, with all its faculties and schools accredited by the Council of Universities.

School Quality Structure

At center level
Center Monitoring Committee

The purpose of this committee is to share the status of the center’s degrees. They are part of the Graduate School and Lifelong Learning Degree Monitoring Committee:

  • The School’s management
  • The School’s Quality Manager
  • The Quality Manager of the Department of Quality and Institutional Assessment of the UFV
The Quality Assurance Committee will be able to count on external agents (professors from other universities and/or professionals of recognized prestige and proven experience) on the occasions it deems appropriate, especially for decision-making meetings and improvement of proposals.
At title level
Master's Quality Assurance Committee

The Master’s Quality Assurance Committee is composed of:

  • Management of the Graduate School and Continuing Education
  • The academic management of PE and VET
  • The direction of the Master
  • The postgraduate coordinator in her capacity as representative of the Administration and Services Staff.
  • A representative of the Department of Quality and Institutional Assessment of the UFV.
  • The Postgraduate Quality Manager
  • A representative of the Master’s students.
The Master's Quality Assurance Committee will establish the measures to be taken within its scope of action, provided that at least 50% of its members are present. In any case, the measures adopted will be validated by the University Management Committee and will be communicated to the interested parties through the usual communication channels, to ensure their knowledge and compliance.