Discover your path
With our academic offer
Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
Master in Continuing Education in Clinical Biomechanics and Postural Control

Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
Master’s Degree in Technology and Processes for the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industry

Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
Permanent Training Master’s Degree in Functional Assessment and Injury Rehabilitation

Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
Permanent Training Master’s Degree in Sports Pathology of the Lower Limb

Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
Permanent Training Master’s Degree in Ultrasound-Guided Intervention of Ankle and Foot

Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
Humanities, Education and Psychology
Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology + Expert in Systemic Intervention, Family and Couples Therapy

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management for Quality in Educational Institutions

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Master’s Degree in Teaching for Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Education

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (Online)

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Expert Course in Catholic Theology and Its Pedagogy for obtaining the DECA

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Expert Course in Systemic Intervention and Master’s Degree in Lifelong Learning in Systemic Family Therapy (Family Psychotherapist)

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Financial Advisor Course for Religious and Third Sector Entities

Humanities, Education and Psychology
Communication and Marketing
Master’s Degree in Continuing Education in Television Journalism and Digital Platforms

Communication and Marketing
Law, Business and Government
Master in Continuing Education in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Law, Business and Government
University Master’s Degree in People Management and Organizational Behavior

Law, Business and Government
Engineering and Polytechnic
Master’s Degree in Continuing Education in Real Estate Management “Asset, Property & Real Estate Management”

Engineering and Polytechnic
Master’s Degree in Lifelong Learning in Innovation and Global Mobility Strategy

Engineering and Polytechnic
Master’s Degree in Technology and Processes for the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industry

Biosanitary and Experimental C.C.
University Master’s Degree in Real Estate Asset Management and Services “Facility Management BIM”

Engineering and Polytechnic
We teach numerous courses in the health field since we understand the importance of human lives. For this reason, we have a department specialized in these courses.